Using different embroidery stitches can really make your textile craft projects stand out. There are a huge number of different stitches that you can do, and most embroidery sewing machines will be able to automatically stitch most of them. However, all is not lost if your machine doesn’t do many different stitches as several of them can be successfully completed manually if necessary.
Colouricious have several videos that you can watch to see how decorative embroidery stitches can be used to make your projects unique. You can watch them by visiting our Embroidery Library page on the Colouricious website.

We also have a super DVD that covers lots of embroidery stitches. Creative Free Embroidery with Gina Ferrari is an easy to follow DVD that covers lots of different stitches in clear and concise chapters. If you are interested in this DVD then you can find more details about it on our website where you can make your purchase.
Colouricious Tutorials
We are running a series tutorials in the News section of our website. We show a video and then clear written instructions for you to follow. You can see the first two tutorials we have completed by clicking the links below.
Block Printing for Book Making
Make your own Felt Flowers
If you have a particular tutorial you would like us to cover in more detail please contact us and let us know the tutorial you are looking for and we will do our best to get it uploaded and sorted out for you.
Latest Colouricious Arrivals

The Latest Arrivals section of our website is now full of all of our new blocks that have arrived in time for Christmas. If you saw our Hen Party email you will also know that we have also just got in some lovely sewing patterns that you can use your block printed fabric to make some beautiful hens. If you make Molly, Polly or Charlie Chicken then please send us some pictures; we would love to see your creations.
Check out the latest arrivals!
The Stencil Shop

We are growing our Stencil offering everyday with lots of new stencils available. We now have seven different Stencil categories and are very confident that we will have the perfect stencil for you.
Check out the video and our super selection
Colouricious Holidays
We have been able to confirm and set up two additional holidays to Vietnam for 2015. Booking and Reservation forms can be found on our website. This holiday was particularly popular when we first introduced it, so we are sure these extra dates will fill up quickly. We will be starting in Hanoi and then over 15 days we will travel south down the east coast exploring many of the different aspects of this wonderful Country. We will be staying in an eco lodge, exploring the hill top villages of the Hmong tribe, touching on the history of the Vietnam war and getting a chance to see and photograph some wonderful sites. Textiles, their use and methods of manufacture will also be a focus of the trip. If this tour sounds of interest and you would like to explore Vietnam, then head over to our Vietnam Holiday page, download the booking form and get your place reserved.
If would like to come to India in December 2014 to take part in several block printing workshops, with real Indian printers, there is now only one place left. You will be taking part in 2 block printing workshops, one in a factory in Jaipur and one in a rural village, to compare the contrast. You will also be taking part in a Dabu Printing Workshop – where you will actually print your own fabric using mud (!) and wooden printing blocks. You will then Indigo dye your fabric, which you get to bring home with you. Fabulous fun! For fuller details, see our Block Printing Holiday in Jaipur. This particular holiday is perfect if you are a person who loves to keep busy doing, learning and playing.
Have a look at the lovely hotel we will be staying at during our holiday in Jaipur. This link is not broken but can only be accessed if you are on Facebook.

Our Next Textile Show
Our very last textile event of the year is going to be at the most fabulous show Harrogate Knitting & Stitching Show which open 20-23rd November. If you can make it to this show then we would be delighted to see you. We will have all our Christmas stock on show which will definitely give you some more ideas and inspiration for your textile art.
Block Printing Workshops

We have had the most wonderful year teaching block printing workshops to quilting and embroidery groups across the UK, America & Europe. We are now accepting bookings for 2015/2016. If you would like your group to learn how to design their own fabrics for their quilting, embroidery and sewing projects, please do phone us to arrange the date. Best to phone as that way we can arrange the date without endless emails going backwards and forwards! My number is 01494 721 471. I am very happy to travel far and wide to share my love for block printing.
Learn, Create, Be Happy!
kind regards
Jamie Malden
Learn more Embroidery Stitches