Mastering Machine Embroidery
Machine Embroidery involves using a sewing machine or embroidery machine to create patterns on your crafting projects. The patterns can be as intricate as you wish and will bring depth and texture to the craft project you are working on.
We have a super page full of interesting facts, pictures and videos on how you can use machine embroidery on your next craft project. You can take a look at it here.
To go with our website page, we also have an excellent DVD from Gina Ferrari where she goes through every aspect of machine embroidery including the different types of machines you can use, the threads, stitches and also some ideas for your next project. It is well worth investing in this DVD you want to improve your embroidery techniques.
If you are interested in getting the DVD for your collection then click below to find out more and to place your order.
Vintage Stamps
Our range of vintage stamps have proved to be very popular. They are old blocks from India and were actually used by block printers in their former life. We still have a few of these classical blocks left so if you are interested in a block that has a history then take a look at them here.
The Stencil Shop
We have a wonderful selection of Balzer Stencil Art Designs that have proved to be very popular with the Colouricious Club members. If you use stencils or are interested in learning how to use stencils on your block printing projects then this is the place to go.
Check out the video and our super selection
Textile Shows
The shows for 2014 have all finished now and we are planning our calendar for the 2015 shows. We will be updating our website and keeping you all informed of the shows we will be attending as soon as they are all confirmed.
Block Printing Workshops – More Workshops – Easier to Book!
If embroidery is your craft of choice, then we have arranged a workshop in February which will be perfect for you. Our Embroidery Workshop will teach you contemporary hand embroidery techniques that will enhance and embellish your craft projects. The date for this workshop is:
Sunday 22nd February
If you are interested in attending this workshop then take a look at the Embroidery Workshop page of our website. Click on the booking tab and from there you can choose the date you want to attend and then make payment.
We have courses arranged for all of our workshops and we are planning on creating more workshops as well in 2015.
Seasons Greetings
Everybody at Colouricious hopes you have had a wonderful Christmas and as this is our last newsletter before New Year, we wish you all a peaceful and creative 2015.
Learn, Create, Be Happy!
kind regards
Jamie Malden
Mastering Machine Embroidery